The Complete Guide to Strategic Planning and OGSM
Fresh perspectives & big ideas to increase productivity & growth
Recent ArchPoint Publications
Getting off the ride: How to end harmful feedback loops
We’re all aware of the concepts of blind spots and biases. They are similar ideas, but they are also related to one another in an interesting way that is particularly relevant for leaders. Between them exists a kind of feedback loop — one which can hold us back if we...
Blueprint for Transformation, a Book Review of Collaborative Disruption: The Walmart and P&G Partnership That Changed Retail Forever
Transforming a global corporation’s strategy and culture from the inside takes guts. Politics alone are enough to deter an innovative, ambitious executive from taking on such a Herculean feat. In the recently released book Collaborative Disruption, Tom Muccio recalls...
Driving Transformational Change in Supply Chains: Q&A with Strategy Expert, Gordon Robertson
Gordon Robertson has spent over 30 years of his career architecting global awareness for products and driving supplier initiatives that delivered a marked impact to companies’ profitability and bottom line. He spent 20+ years at the Campbell Soup Company, 10 years in...
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Leading Through Storytelling: The Most Powerful Tool You Aren’t Using
Do you remember much from your high school history class? Whether or not you do depends mostly on the kind of teacher you had. Were they the kind that asked you to memorize a bunch of dates and events? Or did they weave the subject matter together — injecting...
Mission Control: How to craft a mission statement that actually stays in orbit
As we approach the fresh start of a new year, it’s a good idea to reconnect with the WHY of our organizations and recommit to using our mission to drive our strategy and culture. I wonder: Can you explain your organization’s mission in thirty words or less? Can you...
Permission for candor granted: How psychological safety in the workplace fosters creativity, performance and stronger teams
With contributions from Jose Davila, EVP, Chief People Officer at J.Crew Group & David Loya, Senior Director of Human Resources at Verdant Technologies Since the beginning of time, fear has been a driver of human behavior. Fear helps keep us safe, excites us, and...
When It Comes to Persuasion, Does Quality or Quantity Win?
Through a recent podcast, I was reminded of a TED talk given by Niro Sivanathan, a professor of organizational behavior at the London Business School, in which he introduces two hypothetical students. One student “studies 31 hours per week outside of class,” while the...
The Bee & the Woodpecker: How To Manage Makers (and Learn a Thing or Two In The Process)
Consider the bee. On a productive day, she visits as many as 5,000 flowers, quickly extracting the nectar and pollen, then moving on to the next flower, where she’ll repeat the process and aid in the blooming of countless meadows. Now consider the woodpecker. If he...
Six reasons to include influencers in your marketing strategy
Not so long ago, the use of celebrities and influential figures as a marketing tactic seemed reserved for only the biggest consumer brands. Michael Jordan and Nike, Michael Jackson and Pepsi, Brooke Shields and Calvin Klein. Big brands used big names in traditional...
Employee Engagement in 2022: How to create a better workplace experience to boost performance
The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed the modern workplace. While most organizations seem to have reached some level of homeostasis despite still working through technological and cultural kinks, fundamental changes in the workforce will likely impact the...
Innovation DNA: A model for cultivating innovation across your organization
Contrary to popular belief, innovation is rarely a case of something totally new popping into an inventor’s head – it’s iterative. Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press pulled together existing technologies that already included the screw press and moveable...
Stay true to your strategic intent
I have used OGSM for nearly three decades, over half of my career. Through my tenure at Procter & Gamble and Campbell Soup, we used OGSM to align our business units globally and in my years as a consultant, we have used OGSM to develop and execute strategic plans...
Tool Tip: Utilizing costs and budget summary features
Welcome to myOGSM Tool Tips designed to help you optimize your myOGSM user experience and support the execution of your strategy. Avoid strategy-related budget issues It’s disappointing and frustrating when you’re prepared to spend resources only to discover the...