Welcome to our guide for all things myOGSM!

We hope this answers any questions you have and guides you through using the tool. If we’ve missed anything or you have additional questions, please email us at [email protected].

Access & Permissions: Check here for help on

  • logging into myOGSM
  • resetting your password
  • adding new members to the tool
  • understanding admin vs. regular users
  • adding team members to business units
  • information on data security

Building Your OGSM: Get information on creating you OGSM including

  • Business Units
  • Objective statement
  • Goals
  • Strategies
  • Initiatives
  • Action Items
  • Measures

Managing Your OGSM: Learn how to use myOGSM features like

  • Notifications
  • Owners
  • MyPage
  • Resource Allocation
  • Notes
  • Reports

Access & Permissions

Q: Where do I go to login?

Each company’s tool has a unique URL for security purposes. Please contact your organization’s OGSM champion or your myOGSM account manager to receive your organization’s link.

Q: I cannot log in to my account. What should I do?

First double check you are typing your username and password in correctly. Passwords are cases sensitive, and this can often cause a login error.

If you have forgotten your password, please use the “forgot password” link on the login page and you will receive instructions on how to reset your password via email.

If you are still having issues, please email [email protected] and a customer service representative will contact you to trouble shoot the issue.

Q: How do I edit my User Profile?

To edit your user profile, navigate to your profile name on the bottom left corner on the menu bar. Click on the Settings tab. This will open the Profile Information page. Update any information and click Save Changes.

Q: I forgot my password, what do I do?

Go to the user log in screen and click on the forgot password link at the bottom left hand corner of the box. The system will prompt you to enter your email address. Click Submit.

An email will be sent to you with a hyperlink to your myOGSM site. Click on the link and set your new password. You should now be able to successfully log in to your myOGSM site.

Q: How do I change my password?

To edit your user profile, navigate to your profile name on the bottom left corner on the menu bar. Click on the Settings tab. Click on Reset Password. You will be asked to enter your Current Password, and then to provide your New Password. When complete, click Save Changes.

Q: What is the different between an administrative user and a regular user?

An administrative user has additional functionality as well as visibility to all business units. Admins can manage time periods, add members to the tool, and view the executive dashboard which shows summary information from all Business Units.

Regular units may not add members to the tool but can add existing tool users to Business Units as editors or viewers. They may also create new Business Units. However, you can limit the viewing rights of regular users to specific Business Units and they do not have access to the executive dashboard.

Q: How do I add a member to the tool?

Only users with administrative rights can add members to the tool. If you have administrative rights, click on Members in the menu bar. Next, click on the Add Member button in the upper right-hand corner. Provide the name and email address of the user you would like to add. If you would like the user to have administrative rights, check the Admin box. The other fields are optional. To finish, click Add User.

Q: When I add a new member does the system automatically send them an email message telling them they have access?

Yes, when you add members, the users will automatically receive a security email to set up their password. Following this, an email will be sent providing the myOGSM URL. If you need to set up members without them knowing or receiving access, let us know and we can work together to set them up on the back end.

Q: How do I add a team member to a business unit?

The first step is to confirm that the team member is already a myOGSM member.

If not already a myOGSM member, have your administrator set up this person via the members page. Only users with admin access can add and delete members from the tool.

Once someone is a member of the tool, any user part of a Business Unit can add team members to that Business Unit.

There are two roles in which a team member can be added to a Business Unit – an editor and a viewer.

To add a team member to a business unit, click to the OGSM page on the menu bar. Click on the Business Unit in which you want to add a member. Next, click on the Manage Team button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. In the pop-up box, click in the Unit Editors window. All the myOGSM member names will appear in a list. Chose the team member you would like to add to this specific Business Unit. If you want this team member to have viewing rights only (no editing rights), follow the same step but in the Unit Viewers window. Once the team member has been added, click on the Save button.

Q: How do I make someone an action item owner when his/her name is not showing as an option in the list of owners.

Action item owners need to be added to the initiative members list at the bottom of the initiative page. To add an action item owner or an initiative charter team member, click on the Edit Charter Member box in the right-hand corner above the initiative member list. Click in the white space of the Initiative Member window. A list of Business Unit members will appear. Click on the Business Unit member that you would like to add to this charter team.

Q: Does the myOGSM app support single-sign on?

Yes, this is a custom feature implementation. Contact us today.

Q: Can I rename the terminology Used on myOGSM?

Upon request, terminology customizations can be made. Please contact [email protected] for further details.

Q:  How secure is my data?

We take all reasonable precautions to keep your information safe and secure. myOGSM data is protected and never shared. All connections to myOGSM are managed over a secure channel (256-bit encryption SSL) – the same kind banks use for online transactions. Our software, network and hardware are updated regularly with the latest security patches. All data is backed up daily on redundant systems.

Our servers are hosted and professionally managed on AWS, a recognized leader in high-end, secure hosting. You can read about their security here: https://aws.amazon.com/security/

Building your OGSM

Q: What is a business unit?

A business unit could be defined as an organization, division, function, department or special project team. To cascade your strategy throughout the organization, we allow for sub-business units to be created as ‘children’ to the ‘parent’ business unit. For example, your organization may be setup with a corporate OGSM and sub units of divisions like North American, South America, etc. Other organizations may choose to do a corporate level OGSM with functional sub units like Marketing and Manufacturing. A benefit of setting up business units and sub business units allows for the organization to create roll up goals. Click here for more information on roll-up goals. We are happy to guide you on the best setup for your organization.

Q: Can I create a sub business unit as a child of another business unit?

Yes. Click on the OGSM page on the menu bar. Click on Add Business Unit and enter the name and owner of the business unit you want to add. In the Sub Unit Of field, click on the drop-down arrow to identify the existing business units. The newly added business unit will be the root of the business you identify in the drop-down menu.

Q: What is an Objective?

The Objective sets the direction for the organization for the next three to five years. This statement describes the ambition of the business and answers the question: What are we trying to achieve? The Objective should define the playing field and the rules for winning. An Objective is a constant and meaningful reminder to the organization about what success looks like in the future. An effective Objective statement is not generic or easily adoptable by others; it is a customized, business-specific view of where the business is headed. Importantly, this is not an organization’s vision or mission. Those statements have a longer time horizon. The Objective is time-bound to focus the organization.

Q: What is a Goal?

Goals are numbers that define what success looks like over a three-to-five year time horizon. These Goals are usually financial and/or operational and make the Objective visible in measurable terms. Goals should be more strategic in nature, defining the financial health and guiding the direction for the strategic choices. The Goals of an organization answer the question, “what must we accomplish financially?” in terms of critical targets.

Q: How do I create a goal in the myOGSM?

Click on the OGSM page on the menu bar and click on the business unit in which to the goal is associated with. Click on the Objectives and Goals tab. Below the objective, you will see an Add Goal box on the far-right hand side of the screen. Click on this box and fill out the pop-up box. All fields are required except for the future fiscal years fields.

Q: What is the difference between a “Standard” and “Calculated” goal?

A calculated goal is a roll-up goal that is shared with other business units. The system will calculate the sum of this goal from each of the various business units. A total sum of this goal across all business units will be reflected at the parent level.

A standard goal is not a roll up goal and is not attached to any other goals in the system.

If a goal is a calculated goal, a calculator icon will show up in the list view on the goals page. To see the values that roll up into the parent level goal, you can click on the calculator icon or on the drop-down arrow on the right-hand side of the goal list item. Any goals that roll-up to the parent goal are listed.

Q: How do I update a goal?

Goals can be updated in two places; on the objectives and goals tab or the dashboard.

To update on the objectives and goals tab, identify the goal you would like to update. Place your mouse in the “Current” column and add your updated data. Click the green check mark when completed to save.

To update on the dashboard, click on the Dashboard tab and identify the goal you would like to update. Place your mouse in the “Current” column and add your updated data. Click the green check mark when completed to save.

Note – If a goal is a calculated goal, you cannot update the parent goal. You must update the goal at the sub-business unit level since it is a roll-up. There are two different options to update a calculated goal:

Option 1: At the parent level: Click on the calculator icon or the drop-down arrow on the goal at the parent level. Place your mouse in the “Current” column and add your updated data. Click the green check mark when completed to save.

Option 2: At the sub-business unit level: Find the calculated goal in the sub-business unit. Place your mouse in the “Current” column and add your updated data. Click the green check mark when completed to save.

Q: I am trying to set up a roll up goal but the goals from the sub-business units are not showing up.

If you are trying to roll up a goal, the drop down will only show you the values within the same format. For example; if you have a “numeric” goal selected but are trying to roll up a “dollar” goal, the “dollar” goal from the sub-business units will not appear.

Q: How do I enter future year goal values?

Click on the goal in which you would like to add future year values. A pop-up box will appear. At the bottom of the pop-up box, you will see FY Values and four empty boxes for future fiscal years. Enter your goals into the empty boxes without the use of numerical symbols. Click Save.

Q: How do I change the value or date of a goal entered?

Go to the Objectives and Goals tab. Click on the goals Graph View button.

Identify the goal you would like to edit. Click on the i (information) icon in the upper right-hand corner of the goal you would like to edit. See the “History” at the bottom of the pop-up box. To make any edits, click on the date or the value and make the appropriate change.

Q: What is a Strategy?

Strategies are words that provide explanations and descriptions of specific choices that focus an organization’s plans toward accomplishing the desired Objective and Goals. Strategies guide the work activities and allocation of limited resources across the organization. Strategies are implemented through initiatives and structured work plans called charters. Strategies tighten choices needed to deliver the Objective, Goals and to win in the market. It’s much more important for Strategies to be written in clear, complete language as opposed to clever headlines.

Q: How do I add a Strategy?

Click on the Strategies, Initiatives, and Measures tab. Determine if you would like to add a Growth, Productivity, or People strategy. Click on the Add Strategy box on the far-right hand side of the screen underneath the Growth, Productivity, or People section. Fill out the pop-up box. All boxes need to be populated except for the Priority drop down menu. Click Add Strategy.

Q: I see Strategies grouped into Growth, Productivity and People. Can we select our own, or can we only use these three categories?

Upon request, terminology customizations can be made. however, organizations usually don’t need to do this as strategies typically fall within one of the three identified platforms. Growth strategies are usually sales or marketing related, anything that drives the business. Productivity platform strategies usually are around efficiencies, supply chain, customer service, systems, tools, etc. People platform strategies are usually about human resources, culture, teamwork, etc.

Q: How do I edit a Strategy name, owner, etc.?

Click on the strategy hyperlink. Click on the Edit Strategy box in the far-right hand corner. A pop-up box will appear. Make the appropriate edits and click Save.

Q: What is a Measure?

Measures are numbers that define an organization’s progress toward delivering a Strategy. Each Strategy
should have no more than two or three Measures that define whether the Strategy is effective and is
having the desired impact. Each Measure is tracked to determine the progress of a Strategy, and used to
make decisions regarding any necessary adjustments.

Q: How do I add a Measure?

Remember that Measures are tied to either Strategies or Initiatives as a means to gauge success of the work. To add a Measure, click on the Strategy or Initiative in which you would like to add the measure. Identify the Measures section below strategy description or the initiative summary. Click on the Add Measure box on the far-right hand side of the screen. Fill out the pop-up box. Choose whether the measure is numeric, a percentage or a dollar value with the drop-down box. All boxes need to be populated except for the Priority drop down menu which is optional. Click Add Measure to save.

Q: How do I add an Initiative?

Initiatives are specific tactics identified to deliver a Strategy. It’s helpful to think of them as ‘children’ of the ‘parent’ Strategy. To add an Initiative, click on the Strategy the Initiative supports. Under the Strategy Measures section, you will see the Initiative section. Click on the Add Initiative button on the right-hand side of the screen. Fill out the pop-up box. All boxes need to be populated except for the Priority drop down menu which is optional. Click Add Initiative to save.

Q: How do I add an Action Item?

Click on the Initiative of which you would like to add an action item to. Under the Strategy Measures section, you will see the Initiative section. Click on the Add Initiative button on the right-hand side of the screen. Fill out the pop-up box. All boxes need to be populated except for the Priority drop down menu. Click Add Action.

Managing your OGSM: Tools & Features

Q: Can the tool notify me of updates and progress from my team?

myOGSM can alert users as to when status changes are made and when new initiatives or action items are added through the Notifications functionality. This allows users to be up to date on the status of strategy for management updates and/or, so you know when and where support is needed.

To set up Notifications:

  • Click on your name on the menu bar
  • Click on Settings on the menu bar
  • Click on Notifications on the top of the screen (between Profile Information and Reset Password)
  • Check the box for your specific notification preferences
  • Choose the frequency of updates via the Updates frequency dropdown box
  • Click Save Changes

Q: Who should be assigned the owner?

The owner is the person responsible for executing the work — whether a strategy, an initiative or a general task. There is a single owner for each to reduce ambiguity, maintain accountability and focus the effort. The owner can be at any level within the organization and should be at a level commensurate with the task.

Q: What is MyPage?

This page allows you to have an “at-a-glance” view of data that is most important to you and allows you to quickly and easily navigate to the areas of your OGSM that you are responsible for updating. MyPage provides you with an overview of all the Business Unit(s) you are a member of, Strategies you own, Initiatives you own or initiative charter teams you are a member of, and Action Items of which you are assigned.

Q: What is Allocation used for?

When adding a member to an initiative charter team (including yourself), the allocation field allows you to enter a percentage of time you would like that person (or yourself) to allocate to that initiative. You can then view a rollup, or summary, of each user’s allocation across every initiative with the Resource Allocation Grid report. The Resources Allocation Grid report is helpful to understand where your people resources are spending their time and if there will potentially be capacity issues.

Q: What are Notes used for? How do I use the Notes feature?

Members can utilize the Notes feature for Strategies, Initiatives, and Action Items. Notes allow team members to share updates, upload relevant files, or capture important comments regarding the strategy, initiative, or action item. These notes and files are logged within the respective page and can be referred to for historical reference.

To send a note referring to a Strategy or Initiative, go to the bottom of the strategy and initiative page to find the Notes section. Click on Add Note on the right-hand side of the screen. Fill out the pop-up box by typing in the note you would like to communicate. If you would like to include a file, click on the Choose File button and browse your computer for the file. Click on Open to attach the file to the note. Click on the individual team members whom you would like to send the note and file to. There is a Select All box is you would like to send the note/file to all charter team members. Click Add Note and the note and file will be sent via email to the identified charter team members. The note will also be listed in the notes section.

Action Item Notes are located under each action item. Click on the bubble on the far-right hand side of the action item to view and access Notes. See image below for Action Item Notes.

To send a note referring to an Action Item, click on the bubble on the far-right hand side of the action item line item. Click on Add Note. Complete the same steps as above. The note will also be listed in the notes section for this Action Item.

Q: How do I run reports on my organization’s OGSM?

Click on Reports on the menu bar. Eight standard report options are listed with a description of each in the “Description” column. Chose the report you would like to run. Click on the report hyperlink and fill out the pop-up box. If you do not fill out the pop-up box, the report will run for the information identified by default. Click Run report.

Q: How do I save a report? Can I customize reports?

Once you chose and run a report, click on the Save report button on the bottom right hand side of the pop-up box. The report will appear in the “Saved Reports” section on the reporting page. To rename the report, click on the report name and the pop-up box will appear. Change the report name to your name of choice. Click on Save report. Your report will now be saved in the “Saved Reports” section with the preferred report name.