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The Complete Guide to Strategic Planning and OGSM

Fresh perspectives & big ideas to increase productivity & growth

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Too Busy To Lead? Reclaim Your Time & Protect Teams From Burnout

Too Busy To Lead? Reclaim Your Time & Protect Teams From Burnout

Being busy — or being “slammed” — used to exist as a badge of honor. But busyness often points simply to a lack of prioritization and effective planning. Is that what we hope to broadcast? That we are ruled by our calendars and inboxes instead of the other way around?...

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The View from the Balcony

The View from the Balcony

Last week I came across a Fast Company interview with Ryan Reynolds — the actor/producer, serial entrepreneur, and general lottery-of-life winner — about his approaches to creativity and innovation. When asked what he looks for in a potential investment, he answered...

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Cascading the OGSM

The purpose of cascading OGSM is to link the Strategies of the organization up and down the hierarchy of the organization. Cascading facilitates the top-down and bottom-up flow of information, strategically aligning work at every level. When cascaded downward, it...

The dos and don’ts of an OGSM

Success Organizations succeed when their leaders are aligned to specific Objectives and Goals that set a clear direction. Organizations succeed when both work activities and Measures are transparent. Organizations succeed when they collect data from outside the...

5 Questions to test an OGSM

Once you write an OGSM, how can you test to make sure it is indeed a strong and executable strategic plan for your organization? Remember these 5 As. 1. Is it Aligned? Is it clear how the Objectives and Goals will be achieved by executing the Strategies and...

The art of goal-setting (the G in OGSM)

OGSM Series: The G This article is the second in a series focusing on each component of the OGSM framework. The goal is to break down the framework, sharing the purpose and development process of each element. We hope providing a deep dive into the functionality of...

The new frontier of leadership

As challenges facing CEOs, boards, and HR executives increase exponentially, the rapid pace of change and the intense competition to attract and retain talent top the list for many companies. The two trends driving this new frontier of leadership are closely related....