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The Complete Guide to Strategic Planning and OGSM

Fresh perspectives & big ideas to increase productivity & growth

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Six reasons to include influencers in your marketing strategy

Six reasons to include influencers in your marketing strategy

Not so long ago, the use of celebrities and influential figures as a marketing tactic seemed reserved for only the biggest consumer brands. Michael Jordan and Nike, Michael Jackson and Pepsi, Brooke Shields and Calvin Klein. Big brands used big names in traditional...

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Bend, not break – the power of grit

The post-pandemic road to recovery will be long, its trajectory uncertain, and challenge even the strongest leaders. Some businesses will make it to the other side. Some might even prosper (congratulations liquor and wine sellers). Others might not. Much depends on...

When times are tough, leaders must lead

As we grapple with the repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic, there is one thing we can be certain of, that absolutely nothing is certain. The pandemic has challenged our sanity with opposing information coming at us from all directions, made us buy shopping carts...