The Complete Guide to Strategic Planning and OGSM
Fresh perspectives & big ideas to increase productivity & growth
Recent ArchPoint Publications
When It Comes to Persuasion, Does Quality or Quantity Win?
Through a recent podcast, I was reminded of a TED talk given by Niro Sivanathan, a professor of organizational behavior at the London Business School, in which he introduces two hypothetical students. One student “studies 31 hours per week outside of class,” while the...
The Bee & the Woodpecker: How To Manage Makers (and Learn a Thing or Two In The Process)
Consider the bee. On a productive day, she visits as many as 5,000 flowers, quickly extracting the nectar and pollen, then moving on to the next flower, where she’ll repeat the process and aid in the blooming of countless meadows. Now consider the woodpecker. If he...
Six reasons to include influencers in your marketing strategy
Not so long ago, the use of celebrities and influential figures as a marketing tactic seemed reserved for only the biggest consumer brands. Michael Jordan and Nike, Michael Jackson and Pepsi, Brooke Shields and Calvin Klein. Big brands used big names in traditional...
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Using HBDI for self-care: Thinking styles, stressors and strategies
It has been interesting to observe how differently people have been coping with this extended period of isolation. Some are enjoying this time, perhaps even thriving, completely content living in bubbles with immediate family, pets, and Netflix. Others are not...
Bend, not break – the power of grit
The post-pandemic road to recovery will be long, its trajectory uncertain, and challenge even the strongest leaders. Some businesses will make it to the other side. Some might even prosper (congratulations liquor and wine sellers). Others might not. Much depends on...
When times are tough, leaders must lead
As we grapple with the repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic, there is one thing we can be certain of, that absolutely nothing is certain. The pandemic has challenged our sanity with opposing information coming at us from all directions, made us buy shopping carts...
A glimpse into the world of CPG: A Q&A with sales expert Brian Roelofs
Tell me a little bit about your career. What events have shaped where you are today? I entered the workforce during a time of high unemployment. The stability of the consumer packaged goods industry was highly sought after, as was the training and “pedigree” of...
Moving beyond motivation to inspiration
My eldest daughter is a senior in our local university’s architecture program. She is moved by clean lines, interesting materials and how buildings impact the way humans live. Her class recently took a trip to New York City and wandered the streets with eyes to the...
Attracting the right talent mix – and getting them to stay
If there’s one issue that organizations today can agree is universally troubling, it is this: that good talent is hard to find and even harder to keep. The war on talent is intensifying and in the US today, there are approximately one million more open jobs than...
What “HR” really means – perspective from Jose Davila, VP of HR for Levi Strauss & Co.
I have been working in human resources for over 25 years, but it still amazes me how many different views there are of the function. Yes, I hire and fire people. No, I don’t act as a snitch for upper management. Yes, I train and develop. No, I don’t decide what...
Collaboration is key: A Q&A with HR Leader Cindy Strohm
ArchPoint Consulting welcomes Cindy Strohm to the consulting team. Cindy’s thirty years of Human Resources experience has focused on leadership and organizational development across diverse industries. Cindy has led numerous corporate initiatives in leadership and...
When the elephant in the room is trust
A situation presented itself today which was personally frustrating, but as a contributing writer to our blog, professionally inspiring. I serve on a non-profit board where the other members and I are not all close friends, but we genuinely like and respect one...
A COO’s perspective: how OGSM links strategy through an organization
It’s easy for us to preach about the transformational potential OGSM strategy holds for a business because we have the advantage of seeing it work project after project. We enter a new client and watch how this simple strategy framework, with the right amount of...