The Complete Guide to Strategic Planning and OGSM
Fresh perspectives & big ideas to increase productivity & growth
Recent ArchPoint Publications
The new frontier of leadership
As challenges facing CEOs, boards, and HR executives increase exponentially, the rapid pace of change and the intense competition to attract and retain talent top the list for many companies. The two trends driving this new frontier of leadership are closely related....
Linking OGSM and OKR: full-spectrum strategy
More and more recently, ArchPoint has been asked about OKR and OGSM. The question has been whether to use OKR or OGSM for strategic planning. Our simple answer is both. OGSM and OKR work hand-in-hand to deliver a full-spectrum strategy approach, setting the strategic...
Before you implement leadership training, consider these 5 things
The leadership development industry in the US is a $14B industry and growing. Organizations operate quite differently from 20 and even ten years ago, and the meaning of leadership has changed over time. Problem solving and decision making continue to be pushed down...
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The Connected Viewpoint: The business as a system
You know, you never want to mess with your little toe. You never want to break it or smash it into a table leg, because aside from how badly it hurts, you can’t imagine how big of an impact it can have on your whole body. I did that one day, and everything about my...
How to succeed with difficult customers
We have all heard the reasons why providing a great customer experience is the secret sauce to business success. It requires less effort to retain existing customers than to acquire new ones, unsatisfied customers are more likely to tell others about a bad experience...
The state of US workplace diversity in 14 statistics
The United States of today is more diverse than ever before. We innately know this from the changing world around us—neighborhoods are more ethnically different, our work teams include people from other generations and genders, and cultures we had not been previously...
It’s time to redefine innovation: Q&A with ArchPoint Executive Director & CMO Rick Wood
Q: What prompted you to want to speak on innovation? A: It seems that almost every company ArchPoint speaks with these days is looking to some aspect of innovation to support future growth. In many cases, the product team is tasked with the challenge, but the best...
Why B2B companies should care about the end user
One question that is often asked by many of our business-to-business (B2B) clients is this – how important is it for us to be engaged with or knowledgeable about the end user experience? It’s a great question, especially given the investment required to make that...
Four Tips for Execs with the Guts for Culture Change
We’ve all heard the old adage erroneously attributed to management guru Peter Drucker that “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” In fact, many studies do show a direct correlation between organizational culture and business performance. But if culture is more...
Making Strategy Stick: How to Master Sustainable Change
As an aviation enthusiast and engineer, many things make more sense to me when compared to what I know about flying. I look at strategic planning like a company taking off into the sky on a journey to an exotic destination. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief as they...
Marketing in the Experience Economy: 5 Ways to Ensure Your Brand is Experiential
We live in a digitally focused world that craves experiences. Just think for a minute about your own day so far. If you’re like most of us, you started your day with a news feed of stories and video clips curated by an algorithm that knows you better than you know...
Why and How to Invest in Digital Marketing
The complexity of today’s marketing ecosystem can be overwhelming considering the various components, the fact that each is vying for limited marketing dollars and that ROI on those dollars is never guaranteed (and often hard to predict). When developing a strategy,...
Straight Talk from a Millennial
One google search of the word “Millennial” will bring up hundreds, if not thousands of articles on Millennials in the workplace. Articles about how we (yes, I’m one of them) want to be managed, what we need in order to feel valued and what we demand of you (the Baby...