Get back on course: 4 strategy reboot tactics

Way back in 1492, Christopher Columbus left Spain, embarking on a path to Asia that few, if any, had traveled before. But barely a month into his voyage, Columbus and his crew had to make an extended stop in the Canary Islands for more than five weeks to repair, refit...

Don’t shortchange the in-store experience

The consumer path to purchase is traditionally depicted by a purchase funnel, a model beginning with brand “Awareness” and (hopefully) ending with a “Conversion” or purchase transaction. Businesses need to move shoppers through this funnel to fuel growth. A company...

8 Tips for starting the year off strong

The new year symbolically represents an opportunity for a new beginning—a chance to make changes or improvements from the previous year. A new year feels fresh, invigorating and like we are being given a chance to right wrongs, course correct and grow. As a business...

How to succeed with difficult customers

We have all heard the reasons why providing a great customer experience is the secret sauce to business success. It requires less effort to retain existing customers than to acquire new ones, unsatisfied customers are more likely to tell others about a bad experience...