The Complete Guide to Strategic Planning and OGSM
Fresh perspectives & big ideas to increase productivity & growth
Recent ArchPoint Publications
Using HBDI for self-care: Thinking styles, stressors and strategies
It has been interesting to observe how differently people have been coping with this extended period of isolation. Some are enjoying this time, perhaps even thriving, completely content living in bubbles with immediate family, pets, and Netflix. Others are not...
Bend, not break – the power of grit
The post-pandemic road to recovery will be long, its trajectory uncertain, and challenge even the strongest leaders. Some businesses will make it to the other side. Some might even prosper (congratulations liquor and wine sellers). Others might not. Much depends on...
When times are tough, leaders must lead
As we grapple with the repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic, there is one thing we can be certain of, that absolutely nothing is certain. The pandemic has challenged our sanity with opposing information coming at us from all directions, made us buy shopping carts...
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Voice Of The Leader: How OGSM Has Helped My Company In Strategic Planning
OGSM is a world-class strategy model that transforms objectives, goals, strategies and measures into actionable and executable plans. The origins of OGSM stretch back to the 1950’s. In the 1980’s, Procter & Gamble popularized OGSM as a means of aligning the...
Maximizing Your Training Investment
Consider the companies, the programs, and teams that consistently win. They are always training. When people don’t train or continually educate themselves, skills dull, routine sets in, and bad habits drive less than desired results. A commitment to training and...
7 Traits Of An Enduring Business – And How To Create One
Creating and maintaining a business that lasts requires leaders with a particular vision, awareness and dedication—leaders who can morph and steady their organizations in keeping with the market and technology to the greatest long-term benefit. The previous decade has...
Moving From Advertising To Advocacy
Good advertising should drive the consumer towards an action. In this era of ultimate connectedness and unlimited information about brands, a key role of advertising should also be to ‘advocate advocacy’, driving your supporters to talk about and ultimately to...
Layers Eat Speed
Layers in an organization eat speed, muddle messages and draw out decision-making. Like the childhood game, Telephone, when players whisper a message round a circle, layers confuse. What starts out as, “The yellow dog ran toward the hippopotamus,” after seven layers...
Streamlining Your Commercial Capability
As a consultancy we get many requests for advice on how to grow. One of the first elements we assess is the sales and service teams. What we are looking for is; 1) intimacy with the customers, 2) a selling model that works, and 3) the right resourcing of the customer...
Maintaining The Courage To Lead
By design and even by nature, a business leader's instinct is to take the reins and lead. However, many mistakenly believe they can succeed without the support and enrollment of their organization’s key influencers and staff. Time and time again we see this behavior...
10 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Brokers
Many relationships between manufacturers and brokers likely fall into the “it’s complicated” category. The last decade has been one of change for companies and their brokers leaving many wondering exactly how to proceed from here. While every partnership with a broker...
Don’t Be Afraid Of The Big Waves
As a kid, my parents loved taking my siblings and me to swim in the wavy oceans around the world. Most family vacations involved oceans and tropical weather as both my parents grew up in South Africa, and they really missed that aspect of life after immigrating to the...
Leading Change With Lean Sigma
Lean Sigma is a set of tools that needs to be in every executive’s management toolbox. The tools are simple but profound in their ability to help your organization achieve higher levels of business performance. Whether the economy is “flying high” or “sinking fast”,...