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The Complete Guide to Strategic Planning and OGSM

Fresh perspectives & big ideas to increase productivity & growth

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2020 Account Management Study

Research and implications from an unprecedented year in CPG In CPG, as in many other industries, the buyer and seller relationship has changed more in the past year than in the past decade. COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the supply chain and the subsequent...

7 Strategic Communication Tips

Strategy execution remains one of the hardest things for a business to accomplish, and a major reason organizations struggle is because communication is often overlooked. Strategic communication is critical to successful transformation and when managed properly, can...

Relevance is Resilience

It can sometimes feel like we’ve lived through multiple years in the mere six months since the COVID-19 pandemic began. That feeling is due in part to the rapid pace of change so many of us have experienced during this time—both personally and professionally. Indeed,...